English Practice

[가끔영어표현] 더워 죽겠다 . I'm going to melt.

깊음위에 2024. 6. 29. 12:57

6월이 아직 채 끝나기도 전에, 벌써 서울시 낮기온은 30도를 넘어갔다.

7,8월 날씨가 어떨지 겁이나는데, 더워 죽겠다를 영어로 하면 어떤 표현이 있을까?

영어로 "더워 죽겠다"를 자연스럽게 표현하는 방법은,

  • "I'm dying of heat."
  • "This heat is killing me."
  • "It's so hot, I feel like I'm going to melt."
  • "The temperature is unbearable."
  • "It's sweltering out there."
  • "This heat is suffocating me."
  • "I'm sweating like a pig in this heat."
  • "The heat is absolutely oppressive."
  1. I'm going to melt"

Andy: "It's so hot out here, I feel like I'm going to melt."
Emily: "I know, this humidity is killing me. I can't wait to get back to the air conditioning."

  1. sweating like a pig, unbearable, oppressive

Peter: "Dude, it's so hot. I'm sweating like a pig here."
Aldous: "The heat is quite unbearable, isn't it? I think I'm about to pass out from this oppressive weather."

  1. stifling,suffocate

Rachel: "Phew, it's stifling out here. I feel like I'm going to suffocate in this humidity."
Peik Lin: "Tell me about it. This weather is absolutely sweltering. I can't wait to get back to the hotel."

이런 대화에서는 "I'm going to melt", "sweating like a pig", "unbearable", "oppressive", "stifling", "suffocate" 등의 표현을 사용하여 더위에 대한 불편함과 고통을 좀 더 자연스러운 짜증으로 표현할 수 있다.
